Thursday, July 8, 2010

Basic Networking Commands

Here is some basic commands used in networking world
  1. ping :- ping command is used to check the computer is active in the network(ping IP-address/Computer Name, eg:-ping or ping mydesktop or ping
  2. ipconfig :- to find out the details regarding the active network connection i.e.associated ip address, physical address, subnet mask, default gateway etc (ipconfig/all)
  3. netstat :- to find out the different ports active on the system. It displays the port number and protocol(TCP/UDP), local address with port number (local address : port), foreign address(foreign address : port), state (Active or not i.e. connection established or wait), use the command like (netstat)
  4. tracert :- it trace the route to a particular computer, for e.g:- if you want find the route to so that you can find whatever IP addresses are involved in accessing google website, or which routers are involved in routing your request to at that particular time(tracert, remember that the table may vary in different intervals of time, the table you got at the moment may/may not be same as the table you will get after few seconds

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